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1 :非通知さん@アプリ起動中 :2019/02/15(金) 17:03:57.96 0.net

VIPQ2_EXTDAT: none:vvv:1000:512:----: EXT was configured

2 :非通知さん@アプリ起動中 :2019/02/15(金) 17:06:17.48 r.net

3 :非通知さん@アプリ起動中 :2019/02/15(金) 17:07:49.41 d.net

4 :非通知さん@アプリ起動中 :2019/02/15(金) 17:10:47.80 H.net

5 :非通知さん@アプリ起動中 :2019/02/15(金) 17:12:04.63 0.net

It's come to our attention that this account has been posting unreleased
Granblue Fantasy content without permission. Our release schedule is created with the entertainment
of all of our players, and we are committed to maintain a fair environment of data access.


6 :非通知さん@アプリ起動中 :2019/02/15(金) 17:33:19.06 0.net
Top News: Granblue Fantasy, known as Japanese notoriously popular mobile game, finally declared itself as one of HAKEN social game after long period of gatcha sales war against FGO and Pazzdora.

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