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186 :山師さん@トレード中:2015/08/27(木) 01:57:31.69 ID:/PxtqCpB0.net
Moving Forward: Japan’s Economy under Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing
Wednesday, August 26, 6:30 PM
Sold Out
The Honorable Haruhiko Kuroda.

Two years have passed since the introduction of quantitative and qualitative monetary
easing (QQE) by the Bank of Japan. After Japan’s economy made a remarkable improvement
in both growth and inflation in the first year, the performance in the second year was a little
disappointing. However, this was due mainly to the hangover effects of the consumption tax
hike and the impact of the significant decline in oil prices on inflation, both of which should
dissipate. Contrary to popular belief, the underlying improvement of the economy is very
encouraging, as evidenced by the recovery in business investment on the back of record
profits, as well as by the positive feedback between wage increases and moderate inflation.
Governor Kuroda will explain why the Bank is convinced that achieving the 2 percent
inflation goal is in sight.

The Honorable Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor, Bank of Japan

Wilbur L. Ross, Jr., Chairman & CEO, WL Ross & Co. LLC.; Chairman, Japan Society

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