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1 :日笠陽子:2017/12/05(火) 06:01:09.08 .net
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2 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 07:17:35.37 .net

3 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 07:36:16.66 .net

4 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 07:38:10.12 .net

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8 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 07:59:57.53 ID:1ZqQbKq4.net
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9 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:17:00.68 ID:8TIB9iEb.net
UK and EU fail to strike Brexit talks deal

The UK and EU have failed to reach an agreement to move to the next stage of Brexit talks, Theresa May has said.
The prime minister said talks would reconvene "before the end of the week" and she was "confident we will conclude this positively".
The talks are understood to have broken down after the Democratic Unionist Party refused to accept concessions on the Irish border issue.
Downing Street said that was not the only outstanding problem.
Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said a deal had been done, but the UK appeared to change its mind over the Irish border question after pressure from the DUP.

"I am surprised and disappointed that the British government now appears not to be in a position to conclude what was agreed earlier today," he told a press conference in Dublin.
Ireland 'disappointed' at no deal on Brexit
Kuenssberg: What on earth happened?
What will happen to EU citizens in the UK?
Sturgeon calls for 'special' Brexit deals
Northern Ireland's DUP has 10 MPs at Westminster, and their support is vital to the government.
This is because the Conservatives are without a Commons majority since June's general election, and rely on a deal with the DUP to ensure they can survive key votes.
How the talks broke down
Mrs May is understood to have broken off from talks with European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker to speak to DUP leader Arlene Foster.
The UK had reportedly been prepared to accept that Northern Ireland may remain in the EU's customs union and single market in all but name.
But Mrs Foster then said her party "will not accept any form of regulatory divergence" that separates Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK.
"During the call it was made plain to the PM that the DUP had significant concerns about the deal being discussed that gave concessions to the Dublin government," said the BBC's political editor Laura Kuenssberg.
"I understand Mrs Foster told Theresa May that she would not be able to support such a deal.
"It's been suggested too that there are 20 or so Conservative MPs who had serious misgivings about the compromises that were understood to be on the table."

Why is the DUP unhappy about the plan?

DUP leader Arlene Foster said her party would not accept any Brexit deal that "separates" Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK.
Her party's Brexit spokesman Sammy Wilson claimed Brussels has been trying to "bounce the prime minister into acceding to the shape of a deal they want" and many of her own backbenchers would not accept it.
He said the DUP objected to the form of words used in a draft document, which he said referred to "regulatory alignment" and "no regulatory divergence" between Northern Ireland and the EU.
Both phrases were "simply EU speak for keeping Northern Ireland in the European market" and "in effect, part of the United Kingdom would be kept within the single market," he said.
Asked if the DUP would pull out of the confidence and supply agreement they have with the Conservative government in Westminster over this issue, he said: "I think that her (Theresa May) problem isn't going to be just with the DUP".

10 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:17:31.39 ID:8TIB9iEb.net
The Irish prime minister's position

Leo Varadkar says he wants a written guarantee that there will be no return to a "hard border" between the Republic and Northern Ireland - and this is what he thought he had got.
"I am surprised and disappointed that the British government now appears not to be in a position to conclude what was agreed earlier today," he said.
"I accept that the prime minister has asked for more time and I know that she faces many challenges, and I acknowledge that she is negotiating in good faith.
"But my position and that of the Irish government is unequivocal: Ireland wants to proceed to phase two.
"However, we cannot agree to do this unless we have firm guarantees that there will not be a hard border in Ireland under any circumstances."
He said it was important to listen to the DUP, but also to bear in mind the position of other parties in Northern Ireland - and it should not be forgotten that the majority in Northern Ireland voted to remain in the EU.

What did Theresa May say?

Speaking at a joint press conference in Brussels with Mr Juncker, Mrs May said: "We have been negotiating hard. And a lot of progress has been made. And on many of the issues there is a common understanding.
"And it is clear, crucially, that we want to move forward together.
"But on a couple of issues some differences do remain which require further negotiation and consultation."

What did Jean-Claude Juncker say?

The European Commission President said "it was not possible to reach complete agreement today" despite their "best efforts".
But he added: "I have to say that we were narrowing our positions to a huge extent today, thanks to the British prime minister, thanks to the willingness of the European Commission to have a fair deal with Britain.
"I'm still confident that we can reach sufficient progress before the European Council of 15 December.
"This is not a failure, this is the start of the very last round.
"I'm very confident that we will reach an agreement in the course of this week."

11 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:20:09.34 ID:8TIB9iEb.net
UK political reaction

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said: "The real reason for today's failure is the grubby deal the government did with the DUP after the election."
He added that "Labour has been clear from the outset that we need a jobs-first Brexit deal that works for the whole of the United Kingdom".
Conservative MPs emerging from a Downing Street briefing on the talks said they had been told Mrs May had not agreed the proposal on regulatory alignment put forward by the Irish government.
Leading Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg said that the Conservatives were "as one" with the DUP on the importance of keeping the United Kingdom together,
and the mood among Tory MPs in the meeting was "contented, not divisive or unhappy".
Backbench Remain supporter Anna Soubry said no Conservative MP wanted Northern Ireland treated differently from the rest of the UK, which she said would be "a gift" to the Scottish National Party.
The "simple solution" would be for the whole of the UK to remain in the single market and customs union, she added.
Lib Dem Brexit spokesman Tom Brake said: "As each day goes by, it becomes clearer that the best deal for everyone is to stay in Europe.
The people of the UK must be given a vote on the deal and an opportunity to exit from Brexit."
Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said that if Northern Ireland was allowed to operate under different rules there was "surely no good practical reason" why other parts of the UK could not do
the same - a message echoed by Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones and London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

Where the talks are at
The EU says it will only recommend the start of talks about future trade arrangements when it deems "sufficient progress"
has been made on three issues - the status of expat citizens, the "divorce" bill and the Northern Ireland border.
The UK has been set a deadline of this week to come forward with an improved offer on them,
and hopes that the go-ahead for future talks will then be given at an EU leaders' summit on 14-15 December.
On the "divorce bill", the UK is understood to have recently increased its offer, which could be worth up to 50bn euros (£44bn).
Reality Check: How do you work out the Brexit bill?
On the issue of rights for the three million EU citizens in Britain, the UK has agreed that those
who already have permanent residence will not have to pay to apply for settled status.
Those making a first time application for the right to stay after Brexit, however, will face a charge - reportedly similar to the cost of applying for a passport.
Settled status will grant those who have spent five years in the UK equal rights on healthcare, education, benefits and pensions to British citizens.
Ministers have already suggested people legally resident in the UK before an as yet unspecified cut-off date
will be allowed to stay and they want to make the process "as easy as renewing a driving licence".
Brexit: All you need to know

12 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:24:07.85 ID:8TIB9iEb.net
Trump travel ban: Supreme Court lets restrictions take full effect

The US Supreme Court has ruled President Donald Trump's travel ban on six mainly Muslim countries can go fully into effect.
But the directive against travellers from Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen still faces legal challenges.
The ruling covers the third version of the directive that President Trump has issued since taking office.
On Monday, seven of the nine justices lifted injunctions imposed by lower courts on the policy.
Only Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor would have allowed the president's order to remain blocked.

Federal appeals courts in San Francisco, California, and Richmond, Virginia, will hear arguments this week on whether the latest iteration of the policy is lawful.
Karen Tumlin, legal director of the National Immigration Law Center, wrote on Twitter that Monday's ruling was "devastating news".
But she added: "It's important to remember that the Supreme Court has NOT addressed the legal merits of the latest Muslim Ban nor the human impacts w/its order today."
"The fight continues."

How have Trump travel bans fared?
The president's travel bans have each been frustrated by the courts to some degree:
In January, he signed an order banning people from seven Muslim-majority countries for 90 days and suspending all refugee entry.
The measure, which also banned Syrian refugees indefinitely, prompted protests and multiple legal challenges
A revised version in March removed Iraq from the list and lifted the indefinite ban on Syrian refugees. It also exempted green card holders and dual citizens.
By June, the Supreme Court allowed most of it to go into effect, including a 120-day ban on all refugees entering the US, but granted a wide exemption for those with a "bona fide connection" to the US
President Trump's third order was announced in late September. It added non-Muslim-majority nations North Korea and Venezuela, provisions which lower courts have allowed to proceed

What have lower courts said?
In striking it down, federal judges have cited Mr Trump's campaign description of his policy as a "Muslim ban" and his call for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States".
Lower courts have also found the president's policy violated the first amendment of the US constitution covering freedom of religion.
In October, a Maryland federal judge said: "The 'initial' announcement of the Muslim ban, offered repeatedly
and explicitly through President Trump's own statements, forcefully and persuasively expressed his purpose in unequivocal terms."
A federal judge in Hawaii said the administration "lacks sufficient findings that the entry of more than 150 million nationals from six specified countries would be 'detrimental to the interests of the United States'".
A court in Virginia ruled: "The illogic of the government's contentions is palpable. The notion that one can demonstrate animus toward any group of people only by targeting all of them at once is fundamentally flawed,
" the court ruling said, pointing out that the countries' populations were between 90% and 99% Muslim.

13 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:28:40.09 ID:8TIB9iEb.net
Yemen's former leader, Ali Abdullah Salehha killed in Saousa

Former Yemen President Aria Abdullah Sale was murdered in the fight against supporters and former alliance Hautei revolt movement.
Officials of the People 's Congress of President Saleh said he died in an attack in the southern part of the capital Sana'a.
Houthis' leaders welcomed this news as a "very important opportunity".
Mr. Abdul Marik Al-Hawk said that he dismissed the "conspiracy" by the Saudi leader-led coalition government backing the government that had made peace negotiations with President Saleh.
Meanwhile, the UN said the air strikes of Sana intensified and the battle spread to other administrations like Haja.
According to a report of the UN Humanitarian Affairs Adjustment Office, the road was closed and tanks were on the street. Some of the most intense battles were in diplomatic areas near the UN forces.

After the death of Sareha, the future of Yemen is terrible
The Red Cross presumed that at least 125 people were killed and more than 230 people were injured as a riot occurred on Friday.
United Nations humanitarian affairs coordinator Jamie McGoldrick asked civilians to leave their homes on 5 December to seek assistance
and call for humanitarian stops for rescue workers to continue their life-saving program.
"They do not know what will come next ... children and young people - that is terribly sad" to the BBC.
"For us it is in a situation where we can not help them because we are bound in the same way and we do not have the ability to respond to their needs in the way we need them.
Ali Abdullah Saleh, the dominant power of Yemen
Yemen's conflict: Who is fighting with whom?

How did the rebel army civil war start?
Until recently, supporters of Salea were fighting side by side with Houthis in the fight against the present President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi.
But on Wednesday the conflict over Sanna's largest mosque control resulted in an armed conflict where more than 125 people died.
President Sarer suggested to "create a new page" with the coalition government led by Saudi Arabia, when he stopped blocking Yemen 's attacks and stopped blocking countries in Saturday.
Houthis condemned the "coup d'etat" against "an alliance he never believed".
How did Sale die?
By Sunday, Houthi's combatants dominated many of the capital, intense fights were taking place around Saleh's family and its allied houses.
Mr. Salare's home rioted Monday morning because the bombing of the ruling coalition leader led by Saudi did not stop Hautis. Soon thereafter, reports began to appear that he was killed.

A video circulated on social media showing a man's body resembling Mr. Sareha who has a severe head injury. That is, armed men came on a blanket shouting
."Please praise God." And "a little ant 's affash!" - the name of Mr. Saleh' s clan.
After that, officials of the People's Congress confirmed Sale's death. They said that the escort group, where he and the other officials were in,
received the firing of Houshi fighter, escaping from the south towards Sahan, the hometown of the prolums leader.
According to some reports, he was stopped by the RPG rocket and was temporarily killed and then removed from his car.
What was the reaction to the news?
Houthi leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi celebrated what he called "the Day of the Collapse of Rebellious Conspiracy." He also insisted that Houthis "has no problem" with GPC or its members.
But unknown GPC officials said to the Al Arabiya TV owned by Saudi that the Yemenians "should go to the street and face Haute's militia".

14 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:31:09.67 ID:8TIB9iEb.net
Nelson Mandela's Funeral: 'Millions of Miss Pent'

South Africa's Corruption Monitoring Group found four years ago that government authorities misused millions of dollars during the funeral of Nelson Mandela.
According to this report, 300 meters of site ($ 22 m; 16 million) was redirected from development fund to help cost.
According to the report, this was reported because of "public health, thief replacement, hospital refurbishment" etc.
Instead, authorities are said to have spent it on items like a $ 24 T - shirt.
A man who destroy apartheid
State funeral of Nelson Mandela: photo
The claim of misuse emerged for the first time in the world in 2014 several months after Mr. Mandela's funeral was held in Kunoo, Eastern Cape Province in December 2013.
Busy Mkhwebane, a national civil guardian group, asked President Jacob Zuma to seek further assertion, using the Special Investigation Department,
as the country's national conservation organization, Busi Mkhwebane, was 95 years old this year since Mr Mandela died.
The 300 page report explains how civil servants in the Eastern Cape province funded, ignored the basic rules, and inflated costs.
Former South African president Nelson Mandela is drawn on 17th July 2012 at the home of Knoe, Eastern Cape Province, during the visit of former US President. copyright AFP
Image caption
Mandela tried to defeat the apartheid government, and after 27 years jailed the prison
Mr. Mkhwebane said South Africa's Mail & Guardian newspaper did not make regulations on spending on public funds "extremely scary" or "scary."
She said at a news conference, "It is very important that we can use a funeral to do something like this." "How do I bill a fee, escalate, or send me a bill about what I have not delivered?"
Mr. Mkhwebane not only fulfilled the role of dismantling in the confusion but also confessed
that South African ruling party ANC parties had instructed the authorities on how to spend money.
"There was an invoice showing using ANC's letterhead, money was paid, but no service was offered,"
she said from EyeWitness News in South Africa.
She adds as follows. "We expect that anyone who commits these acts will be transferred to work.
This is not the first scandal to surround the official event commemorating the life of heroes of apartheid struggle.
A man who was charged with the interpretation of sign language at the anniversary festival was accused of doing a gesture,
but the fight to dominate the heritage in the family of Mandela slept in the last few months of his life.

15 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:46:44.99 ID:OKfnhlr2.net

16 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:47:47.79 ID:tkL/5BXN.net

17 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:48:18.28 ID:fx5c1reM.net

18 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:48:26.76 ID:qpWC3qHD.net


19 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:48:30.61 ID:8TIB9iEb.net
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20 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:48:37.49 ID:8zucrYbC.net

21 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:48:55.28 ID:8zucrYbC.net

22 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:49:02.10 ID:8TIB9iEb.net
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23 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:49:30.30 ID:DbSXMQa2.net

24 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:49:32.99 ID:uUSZjWh3.net

25 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:49:51.33 ID:8TIB9iEb.net
UK and EU fail to strike Brexit talks deal

The UK and EU have failed to reach an agreement to move to the next stage of Brexit talks, Theresa May has said.
The prime minister said talks would reconvene "before the end of the week" and she was "confident we will conclude this positively".
The talks are understood to have broken down after the Democratic Unionist Party refused to accept concessions on the Irish border issue.
Downing Street said that was not the only outstanding problem.
Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said a deal had been done, but the UK appeared to change its mind over the Irish border question after pressure from the DUP.

"I am surprised and disappointed that the British government now appears not to be in a position to conclude what was agreed earlier today," he told a press conference in Dublin.
Ireland 'disappointed' at no deal on Brexit
Kuenssberg: What on earth happened?
What will happen to EU citizens in the UK?
Sturgeon calls for 'special' Brexit deals
Northern Ireland's DUP has 10 MPs at Westminster, and their support is vital to the government.
This is because the Conservatives are without a Commons majority since June's general election, and rely on a deal with the DUP to ensure they can survive key votes.
How the talks broke down
Mrs May is understood to have broken off from talks with European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker to speak to DUP leader Arlene Foster.
The UK had reportedly been prepared to accept that Northern Ireland may remain in the EU's customs union and single market in all but name.
But Mrs Foster then said her party "will not accept any form of regulatory divergence" that separates Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK.
"During the call it was made plain to the PM that the DUP had significant concerns about the deal being discussed that gave concessions to the Dublin government," said the BBC's political editor Laura Kuenssberg.
"I understand Mrs Foster told Theresa May that she would not be able to support such a deal.
"It's been suggested too that there are 20 or so Conservative MPs who had serious misgivings about the compromises that were understood to be on the table."

Why is the DUP unhappy about the plan?

DUP leader Arlene Foster said her party would not accept any Brexit deal that "separates" Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK.
Her party's Brexit spokesman Sammy Wilson claimed Brussels has been trying to "bounce the prime minister into acceding to the shape of a deal they want" and many of her own backbenchers would not accept it.
He said the DUP objected to the form of words used in a draft document, which he said referred to "regulatory alignment" and "no regulatory divergence" between Northern Ireland and the EU.
Both phrases were "simply EU speak for keeping Northern Ireland in the European market" and "in effect, part of the United Kingdom would be kept within the single market," he said.
Asked if the DUP would pull out of the confidence and supply agreement they have with the Conservative government in Westminster over this issue, he said: "I think that her (Theresa May) problem isn't going to be just with the DUP".

26 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:50:25.00 ID:8TIB9iEb.net
UK political reaction

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said: "The real reason for today's failure is the grubby deal the government did with the DUP after the election."
He added that "Labour has been clear from the outset that we need a jobs-first Brexit deal that works for the whole of the United Kingdom".
Conservative MPs emerging from a Downing Street briefing on the talks said they had been told Mrs May had not agreed the proposal on regulatory alignment put forward by the Irish government.
Leading Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg said that the Conservatives were "as one" with the DUP on the importance of keeping the United Kingdom together,
and the mood among Tory MPs in the meeting was "contented, not divisive or unhappy".
Backbench Remain supporter Anna Soubry said no Conservative MP wanted Northern Ireland treated differently from the rest of the UK, which she said would be "a gift" to the Scottish National Party.
The "simple solution" would be for the whole of the UK to remain in the single market and customs union, she added.
Lib Dem Brexit spokesman Tom Brake said: "As each day goes by, it becomes clearer that the best deal for everyone is to stay in Europe.
The people of the UK must be given a vote on the deal and an opportunity to exit from Brexit."
Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said that if Northern Ireland was allowed to operate under different rules there was "surely no good practical reason" why other parts of the UK could not do
the same - a message echoed by Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones and London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

Where the talks are at
The EU says it will only recommend the start of talks about future trade arrangements when it deems "sufficient progress"
has been made on three issues - the status of expat citizens, the "divorce" bill and the Northern Ireland border.
The UK has been set a deadline of this week to come forward with an improved offer on them,
and hopes that the go-ahead for future talks will then be given at an EU leaders' summit on 14-15 December.
On the "divorce bill", the UK is understood to have recently increased its offer, which could be worth up to 50bn euros (£44bn).
Reality Check: How do you work out the Brexit bill?
On the issue of rights for the three million EU citizens in Britain, the UK has agreed that those
who already have permanent residence will not have to pay to apply for settled status.
Those making a first time application for the right to stay after Brexit, however, will face a charge - reportedly similar to the cost of applying for a passport.
Settled status will grant those who have spent five years in the UK equal rights on healthcare, education, benefits and pensions to British citizens.
Ministers have already suggested people legally resident in the UK before an as yet unspecified cut-off date
will be allowed to stay and they want to make the process "as easy as renewing a driving licence".
Brexit: All you need to know

27 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:50:25.50 ID:j4dkLI/w.net

28 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:51:02.48 ID:8I+IeDRn.net

29 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:51:13.20 ID:8TIB9iEb.net
Trump travel ban: Supreme Court lets restrictions take full effect

The US Supreme Court has ruled President Donald Trump's travel ban on six mainly Muslim countries can go fully into effect.
But the directive against travellers from Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen still faces legal challenges.
The ruling covers the third version of the directive that President Trump has issued since taking office.
On Monday, seven of the nine justices lifted injunctions imposed by lower courts on the policy.
Only Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor would have allowed the president's order to remain blocked.

Federal appeals courts in San Francisco, California, and Richmond, Virginia, will hear arguments this week on whether the latest iteration of the policy is lawful.
Karen Tumlin, legal director of the National Immigration Law Center, wrote on Twitter that Monday's ruling was "devastating news".
But she added: "It's important to remember that the Supreme Court has NOT addressed the legal merits of the latest Muslim Ban nor the human impacts w/its order today."
"The fight continues."

How have Trump travel bans fared?
The president's travel bans have each been frustrated by the courts to some degree:
In January, he signed an order banning people from seven Muslim-majority countries for 90 days and suspending all refugee entry.
The measure, which also banned Syrian refugees indefinitely, prompted protests and multiple legal challenges
A revised version in March removed Iraq from the list and lifted the indefinite ban on Syrian refugees. It also exempted green card holders and dual citizens.
By June, the Supreme Court allowed most of it to go into effect, including a 120-day ban on all refugees entering the US, but granted a wide exemption for those with a "bona fide connection" to the US
President Trump's third order was announced in late September. It added non-Muslim-majority nations North Korea and Venezuela, provisions which lower courts have allowed to proceed

What have lower courts said?
In striking it down, federal judges have cited Mr Trump's campaign description of his policy as a "Muslim ban" and his call for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States".
Lower courts have also found the president's policy violated the first amendment of the US constitution covering freedom of religion.
In October, a Maryland federal judge said: "The 'initial' announcement of the Muslim ban, offered repeatedly
and explicitly through President Trump's own statements, forcefully and persuasively expressed his purpose in unequivocal terms."
A federal judge in Hawaii said the administration "lacks sufficient findings that the entry of more than 150 million nationals from six specified countries would be 'detrimental to the interests of the United States'".
A court in Virginia ruled: "The illogic of the government's contentions is palpable. The notion that one can demonstrate animus toward any group of people only by targeting all of them at once is fundamentally flawed,
" the court ruling said, pointing out that the countries' populations were between 90% and 99% Muslim.

30 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:51:19.38 ID:uUSZjWh3.net

31 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:51:45.50 ID:Xu4iN5Xx.net

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33 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:52:24.70 ID:EBIg9poL.net

34 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:52:36.26 ID:8TIB9iEb.net
Yemen's former leader, Ali Abdullah Salehha killed in Saousa

Former Yemen President Aria Abdullah Sale was murdered in the fight against supporters and former alliance Hautei revolt movement.
Officials of the People 's Congress of President Saleh said he died in an attack in the southern part of the capital Sana'a.
Houthis' leaders welcomed this news as a "very important opportunity".
Mr. Abdul Marik Al-Hawk said that he dismissed the "conspiracy" by the Saudi leader-led coalition government backing the government that had made peace negotiations with President Saleh.
Meanwhile, the UN said the air strikes of Sana intensified and the battle spread to other administrations like Haja.
According to a report of the UN Humanitarian Affairs Adjustment Office, the road was closed and tanks were on the street. Some of the most intense battles were in diplomatic areas near the UN forces.

After the death of Sareha, the future of Yemen is terrible
The Red Cross presumed that at least 125 people were killed and more than 230 people were injured as a riot occurred on Friday.
United Nations humanitarian affairs coordinator Jamie McGoldrick asked civilians to leave their homes on 5 December to seek assistance
and call for humanitarian stops for rescue workers to continue their life-saving program.
"They do not know what will come next ... children and young people - that is terribly sad" to the BBC.
"For us it is in a situation where we can not help them because we are bound in the same way and we do not have the ability to respond to their needs in the way we need them.
Ali Abdullah Saleh, the dominant power of Yemen
Yemen's conflict: Who is fighting with whom?

How did the rebel army civil war start?
Until recently, supporters of Salea were fighting side by side with Houthis in the fight against the present President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi.
But on Wednesday the conflict over Sanna's largest mosque control resulted in an armed conflict where more than 125 people died.
President Sarer suggested to "create a new page" with the coalition government led by Saudi Arabia, when he stopped blocking Yemen 's attacks and stopped blocking countries in Saturday.
Houthis condemned the "coup d'etat" against "an alliance he never believed".
How did Sale die?
By Sunday, Houthi's combatants dominated many of the capital, intense fights were taking place around Saleh's family and its allied houses.
Mr. Salare's home rioted Monday morning because the bombing of the ruling coalition leader led by Saudi did not stop Hautis. Soon thereafter, reports began to appear that he was killed.

A video circulated on social media showing a man's body resembling Mr. Sareha who has a severe head injury. That is, armed men came on a blanket shouting
."Please praise God." And "a little ant 's affash!" - the name of Mr. Saleh' s clan.
After that, officials of the People's Congress confirmed Sale's death. They said that the escort group, where he and the other officials were in,
received the firing of Houshi fighter, escaping from the south towards Sahan, the hometown of the prolums leader.
According to some reports, he was stopped by the RPG rocket and was temporarily killed and then removed from his car.
What was the reaction to the news?
Houthi leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi celebrated what he called "the Day of the Collapse of Rebellious Conspiracy." He also insisted that Houthis "has no problem" with GPC or its members.
But unknown GPC officials said to the Al Arabiya TV owned by Saudi that the Yemenians "should go to the street and face Haute's militia".

35 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:52:41.87 ID:ErvPwa8B.net

36 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:53:27.23 ID:4mjiM020.net

37 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:53:53.25 ID:8TIB9iEb.net
The UK and EU have failed to reach an agreement to move to the next stage of Brexit talks, Theresa May has said.
The prime minister said talks would reconvene "before the end of the week" and she was "confident we will conclude this positively".
The talks are understood to have broken down after the Democratic Unionist Party refused to accept concessions on the Irish border issue.
Downing Street said that was not the only outstanding problem.
Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said a deal had been done, but the UK appeared to change its mind over the Irish border question after pressure from the DUP.

"I am surprised and disappointed that the British government now appears not to be in a position to conclude what was agreed earlier today," he told a press conference in Dublin.
Ireland 'disappointed' at no deal on Brexit
Kuenssberg: What on earth happened?
What will happen to EU citizens in the UK?
Sturgeon calls for 'special' Brexit deals
Northern Ireland's DUP has 10 MPs at Westminster, and their support is vital to the government.
This is because the Conservatives are without a Commons majority since June's general election, and rely on a deal with the DUP to ensure they can survive key votes.
How the talks broke down
Mrs May is understood to have broken off from talks with European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker to speak to DUP leader Arlene Foster.
The UK had reportedly been prepared to accept that Northern Ireland may remain in the EU's customs union and single market in all but name.
But Mrs Foster then said her party "will not accept any form of regulatory divergence" that separates Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK.
"During the call it was made plain to the PM that the DUP had significant concerns about the deal being discussed that gave concessions to the Dublin government," said the BBC's political editor Laura Kuenssberg.
"I understand Mrs Foster told Theresa May that she would not be able to support such a deal.
"It's been suggested too that there are 20 or so Conservative MPs who had serious misgivings about the compromises that were understood to be on the table."

Why is the DUP unhappy about the plan?

DUP leader Arlene Foster said her party would not accept any Brexit deal that "separates" Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK.
Her party's Brexit spokesman Sammy Wilson claimed Brussels has been trying to "bounce the prime minister into acceding to the shape of a deal they want" and many of her own backbenchers would not accept it.
He said the DUP objected to the form of words used in a draft document, which he said referred to "regulatory alignment" and "no regulatory divergence" between Northern Ireland and the EU.
Both phrases were "simply EU speak for keeping Northern Ireland in the European market" and "in effect, part of the United Kingdom would be kept within the single market," he said.
Asked if the DUP would pull out of the confidence and supply agreement they have with the Conservative government in Westminster over this issue, he said: "I think that her (Theresa May) problem isn't going to be just with the DUP".

38 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:54:44.30 ID:uJlfAPnl.net

39 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:55:01.47 ID:8TIB9iEb.net
1 名前:東山奈央[なおぼう] 投稿日:2017/12/05(火) 01:37:46.15
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40 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:55:32.61 ID:OKfnhlr2.net

41 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:55:37.56 ID:mQAn0c3g.net

42 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:55:45.35 ID:XsnbhRbO.net

43 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:55:53.04 ID:oA4vKmQJ.net

44 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:56:26.22 ID:8TIB9iEb.net
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45 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:56:48.93 ID:md5Xovj4.net

46 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:57:01.21 ID:nRHPs+3K.net

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49 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:58:01.39 ID:B88dbJcx.net
そろそろガラくっどぉ( ・∀・)

50 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:58:41.03 ID:QACB5W8v.net

51 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:58:48.20 ID:8TIB9iEb.net
This is because the Conservatives are without a Commons majority since June's general election, and rely on a deal with the DUP to ensure they can survive key votes.
How the talks broke down
Mrs May is understood to have broken off from talks with European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker to speak to DUP leader Arlene Foster.
The UK had reportedly been prepared to accept that Northern Ireland may remain in the EU's customs union and single market in all but name.
But Mrs Foster then said her party "will not accept any form of regulatory divergence" that separates Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK.
"During the call it was made plain to the PM that the DUP had significant concerns about the deal being discussed that gave concessions to the Dublin government," said the BBC's political editor Laura Kuenssberg.
"I understand Mrs Foster told Theresa May that she would not be able to support such a deal.
"It's been suggested too that there are 20 or so Conservative MPs who had serious misgivings about the compromises that were understood to be on the table."

UK and EU fail to strike Brexit talks deal

The UK and EU have failed to reach an agreement to move to the next stage of Brexit talks, Theresa May has said.
The prime minister said talks would reconvene "before the end of the week" and she was "confident we will conclude this positively".
The talks are understood to have broken down after the Democratic Unionist Party refused to accept concessions on the Irish border issue.
Downing Street said that was not the only outstanding problem.
Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said a deal had been done, but the UK appeared to change its mind over the Irish border question after pressure from the DUP.

"I am surprised and disappointed that the British government now appears not to be in a position to conclude what was agreed earlier today," he told a press conference in Dublin.
Ireland 'disappointed' at no deal on Brexit
Kuenssberg: What on earth happened?
What will happen to EU citizens in the UK?
Sturgeon calls for 'special' Brexit deals
Northern Ireland's DUP has 10 MPs at Westminster, and their support is vital to the government.

Why is the DUP unhappy about the plan?

DUP leader Arlene Foster said her party would not accept any Brexit deal that "separates" Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK.
Her party's Brexit spokesman Sammy Wilson claimed Brussels has been trying to "bounce the prime minister into acceding to the shape of a deal they want" and many of her own backbenchers would not accept it.
He said the DUP objected to the form of words used in a draft document, which he said referred to "regulatory alignment" and "no regulatory divergence" between Northern Ireland and the EU.
Both phrases were "simply EU speak for keeping Northern Ireland in the European market" and "in effect, part of the United Kingdom would be kept within the single market," he said.
Asked if the DUP would pull out of the confidence and supply agreement they have with the Conservative government in Westminster over this issue, he said: "I think that her (Theresa May) problem isn't going to be just with the DUP".

52 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:58:49.53 ID:+NuAqdze.net

53 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:58:54.47 ID:yfD9zkvf.net

54 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:58:56.96 ID:00C71Mxr.net
要約 お願いします。3行で

55 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:58:58.14 ID:JvsHQw8a.net
国連事務次長、異例の訪朝へ 5日から4日間

【AFP=時事】(更新)北朝鮮の核・弾道ミサイル開発を巡る緊張が高まる中、国連(UN)のジェフリー・フェルトマン(Jeffrey Feltman)政務担当事務次長が今週、北朝鮮を訪問し、同国の当局者と協議を行うことが分かった。国連報道官が4日、明らかにした。


56 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:59:04.69 ID:58Y06Zmp.net

57 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:59:17.77 ID:hFxg8nei.net

58 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:59:22.45 ID:DbSXMQa2.net

59 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:59:29.17 ID:nRHPs+3K.net

60 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 08:59:37.58 ID:D5tPuUqp.net

61 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:00:18.64 ID:AmzMLzgm.net

62 :113.71ドデンS☆250枚(・ω・):2017/12/05(火) 09:00:28.08 ID:HN+zsZxh.net


63 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:01:05.40 ID:QACB5W8v.net

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65 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:01:54.65 ID:/Xo/Dd6L.net

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68 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:02:27.89 ID:OKfnhlr2.net

69 :113.71ドデンS☆250枚(・ω・):2017/12/05(火) 09:02:35.38 ID:HN+zsZxh.net

70 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:02:56.15 ID:nRHPs+3K.net

71 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:02:57.19 ID:Zh2JKh7Z.net

72 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:03:11.74 ID:G5/4B2Ra.net


Nobel Prizes and Laureates Robert J. Shiller
■■■ 「株式市場の自己陶酔」を警戒すべき■■■

Professor of Harvard Kennedy School Jeffrey Frankel
■■■ 近いうちに大幅調整が来る■■■

■■■ 北朝鮮と「衝突近づく」■■■

73 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:03:39.62 ID:DbSXMQa2.net

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76 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:03:57.60 ID:G5/4B2Ra.net


Nobel Prizes and Laureates Robert J. Shiller
■■■ 「株式市場の自己陶酔」を警戒すべき■■■

Professor of Harvard Kennedy School Jeffrey Frankel
■■■ 近いうちに大幅調整が来る■■■

■■■ 北朝鮮と「衝突近づく」■■■

77 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:04:22.39 ID:9GPjAGjP.net

78 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:04:34.13 ID:8TIB9iEb.net
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 The US Supreme Court has ruled President Donald Trump's travel ban on six mainly Muslim countries can go fully into effect.
But the directive against travellers from Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen still faces legal challenges.
The ruling covers the third version of the directive that President Trump has issued since taking office.
On Monday, seven of the nine justices lifted injunctions imposed by lower courts on the policy.
Only Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor would have allowed the president's order to remain blocked.

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How have Trump travel bans fared?
The president's travel bans have each been frustrated by the courts to some degree:
In January, he signed an order banning people from seven Muslim-majority countries for 90 days and suspending all refugee entry.
The measure, which also banned Syrian refugees indefinitely, prompted protests and multiple legal challenges
A revised version in March removed Iraq from the list and lifted the indefinite ban on Syrian refugees. It also exempted green card holders and dual citizens.
By June, the Supreme Court allowed most of it to go into effect, including a 120-day ban on all refugees entering the US, but granted a wide exemption for those with a "bona fide connection" to the US
President Trump's third order was announced in late September. It added non-Muslim-majority nations North Korea and Venezuela, provisions which lower courts have allowed to proceed

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trump travel ban: Supreme Court lets restrictions take full effect

Federal appeals courts in San Francisco, California, and Richmond, Virginia, will hear arguments this week on whether the latest iteration of the policy is lawful.
Karen Tumlin, legal director of the National Immigration Law Center, wrote on Twitter that Monday's ruling was "devastating news".
But she added: "It's important to remember that the Supreme Court has NOT addressed the legal merits of the latest Muslim Ban nor the human impacts w/its order today."
"The fight continues."

What have lower courts said?
In striking it down, federal judges have cited Mr Trump's campaign description of his policy as a "Muslim ban" and his call for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States".
Lower courts have also found the president's policy violated the first amendment of the US constitution covering freedom of religion.
In October, a Maryland federal judge said: "The 'initial' announcement of the Muslim ban, offered repeatedly
and explicitly through President Trump's own statements, forcefully and persuasively expressed his purpose in unequivocal terms."
A federal judge in Hawaii said the administration "lacks sufficient findings that the entry of more than 150 million nationals from six specified countries would be 'detrimental to the interests of the United States'".
A court in Virginia ruled: "The illogic of the government's contentions is palpable. The notion that one can demonstrate animus toward any group of people only by targeting all of them at once is fundamentally flawed,
" the court ruling said, pointing out that the countries' populations were between 90% and 99% Muslim.

79 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:04:53.94 ID:ctyL7rw0.net

80 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:04:56.26 ID:YjSfO9w8.net

81 :113.071ドデンS☆250枚(・ω・):2017/12/05(火) 09:05:26.49 ID:HN+zsZxh.net

82 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:05:28.15 ID:58Y06Zmp.net

83 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:05:35.31 ID:EBIg9poL.net

84 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:05:49.23 ID:/Xo/Dd6L.net

85 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:06:19.99 ID:f4zdRqK5.net

86 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:06:21.69 ID:YjSfO9w8.net

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On the "divorce bill", the UK is understood to have recently increased its offer, which could be worth up to 50bn euros (£44bn).
Reality Check: How do you work out the Brexit bill?
On the issue of rights for the three million EU citizens in Britain, the UK has agreed that those
who already have permanent residence will not have to pay to apply for settled status.
Those making a first time application for the right to stay after Brexit, however, will face a charge - reportedly similar to the cost of applying for a passport.
Settled status will grant those who have spent five years in the UK equal rights on healthcare, education, benefits and pensions to British citizens.
Ministers have already suggested people legally resident in the UK before an as yet unspecified cut-off date
will be allowed to stay and they want to make the process "as easy as renewing a driving licence".
Brexit: All you need to know

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Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said: "The real reason for today's failure is the grubby deal the government did with the DUP after the election."
He added that "Labour has been clear from the outset that we need a jobs-first Brexit deal that works for the whole of the United Kingdom".
Conservative MPs emerging from a Downing Street briefing on the talks said they had been told Mrs May had not agreed the proposal on regulatory alignment put forward by the Irish government.
Leading Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg said that the Conservatives were "as one" with the DUP on the importance of keeping the United Kingdom together,
and the mood among Tory MPs in the meeting was "contented, not divisive or unhappy".
Backbench Remain supporter Anna Soubry said no Conservative MP wanted Northern Ireland treated differently from the rest of the UK, which she said would be "a gift" to the Scottish National Party.
The "simple solution" would be for the whole of the UK to remain in the single market and customs union, she added.
Lib Dem Brexit spokesman Tom Brake said: "As each day goes by, it becomes clearer that the best deal for everyone is to stay in Europe.
The people of the UK must be given a vote on the deal and an opportunity to exit from Brexit."
Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said that if Northern Ireland was allowed to operate under different rules there was "surely no good practical reason" why other parts of the UK could not do
the same - a message echoed by Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones and London Mayor Sadiq Khan.
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UK political reaction

Where the talks are at
The EU says it will only recommend the start of talks about future trade arrangements when it deems "sufficient progress"
has been made on three issues - the status of expat citizens, the "divorce" bill and the Northern Ireland border.
The UK has been set a deadline of this week to come forward with an improved offer on them,
and hopes that the go-ahead for future talks will then be given at an EU leaders' summit on 14-15 December.

90 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:06:47.09 ID:EfV53t+T.net

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92 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:07:04.57 ID:094UhAcM.net
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93 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 09:07:09.99 ID:/Xo/Dd6L.net

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100 :113.071ドデンS☆250枚(・ω・):2017/12/05(火) 09:08:26.96 ID:HN+zsZxh.net

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