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【日テレ】ガガ大迷惑の日テレ「酷過ぎる」誤訳 「Love trumps hate」を「トランプ嫌い!」

837 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2016/11/12(土) 19:42:35.08 ID:e97pikVi0.net
Abe from Japan, who's a killer, he's great.
He's already knocking the hell out of the yen, by the way, which makes it even more impossible for us to compete.
And he's wining and dining her (=Caroline Kennedy), and I watch it all the time - wining and dining and just doing a number on our country.

Donald Trump’s speech in Phoenix, Arizona on July 11, 2015


>その場合killerの前に a を付けます。一方、「素晴らしい」を意味するkillerは形容詞なので、冠詞を使いません。


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