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92 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2017/07/21(金) 08:09:53.87.net

Metal by Numbers: The top selling metal of the first half of 2017

Metallica, Hardwired… To Self Destruct (Blackened Recordings) 487,000 sold
Linkin Park, One More Light (Reprise) 130,000 sold
Metallica, Metallica (Blackened Recordings) 117,000 sold
Incubus, 8 (Island) 75,500 sold
Metallica, …And Justice For All (Blackened Recordings) 71,500 sold
Metallica, Master of Puppets (Blackened Recordings) 71,000 sold
Mastodon, Emperor of Sand (Reprise) 71,000 sold
Metallica, Ride the Lightning (Blackened Recordings) 63,000 sold
Guns N’ Roses, Greatest Hits (Interscope/Geffen) 58,000 sold
Nickelback, Feed the Machine (BMG) 54,000 sold
Disturbed, Immortalized (Reprise) 49,000 sold
AC/DC, Back in Black (Columbia) 48,000 sold
Linkin Park, Hybrid Theory (Warner Bros) 47,000 sold
Seether, Poison the Parish (Concord) 46,000 sold
Beastie Boys, Licensed to Ill (Def Jam) 47,000 sold
Nirvana, Nevermind (Interscope/DGC) 46,000 sold
Metallica, Kill ’em All (Blackened Recordings) 45,500 sold
AFI, AFI (Blood Album) (Concord) 43,000 sold
Guns N’ Roses, Appetite For Destruction (Interscope/Geffen) 43,000 sold
I Prevail, Lifelines (Fearless) 41,000 sold
Starset, Vessels (Razor & Tie) 40,500 sold
Avenged Sevenfold, The Stage (Capitol) 40,000 sold


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