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【芸能】土屋アンナ、道端ジェシカを「殴ってない」 険悪な雰囲気だった事は認める

147 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2018/03/08(木) 14:19:56.01 ID:WuVKMWsn0.net

*既出のJapan Todayのジェシカ妊娠記事に新しくジェシカに会った事がある人がコメントしてたので追加。
ジェシカは実際に会ってる人達からの評判いいね。gold diggerについてはアンチコメントに対してで、

Congratulations to her!

I met her and Jenson a couple of times, through mutual acquaintances, she was lovely.
Things didn't work out with her and Jenson, but that is the story of so many marriages.

Why would anyone begrudge her happiness?

As for being a gold digger, c'mon. She's a lovely person and beautiful to boot.
I would imagine her partner is happy to be with her. If it works for him, what does it matter??

gold diggerで居る事についてだけど彼女は可愛らしい人でその上美しいんだぞ。

>Why would anyone begrudge her happiness?<
I think some people believe happiness to be a zero-sum game. If someone else is happy,
and they are not, in their mind the happy person must be stealing their happiness.
If that person was just a little less happy, then that happiness would be released,
meaning that they may be able to be a little happier.

Either that, or it's the old adage, "misery loves company". If they are miserable, then other people should be too.





Geekays, London, United Kingdom, 2 hours ago
I met these two in Thailand ..she is absolutely striking in person.. and he is good looking...
she was so nice she even spoke to us...


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