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【芸能】尾木ママ、大学生は「学生なんです」 一部で“生徒”と呼ぶのは「大変な違和感」

444 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2018/05/31(木) 21:10:06.48 ID:qEWr3rWD0.net
Children in Nursery and Kindergarten are also referred to as pupils.
Young people who are below eighteen years old and who are enrolled in a learning facility or institution are called by the term “pupil.”
A pupil may be supervised by a teacher or a private tutor and is given lessons in every subject necessary for his learning and development.
Supervision is necessary to make sure that knowledge is imparted to the pupil who needs it because of his young age.
The word pupil comes from the Old French word “pupille” which was derived from the Latin word “pupillus” which means “orphan, minor, or ward.”
Its first known use was in the 14th century, and it was first used to refer to a student or disciple in the 1560s.
When a pupil enters college or a university, he is then referred to as a student. This is true in most parts of the world. But in the United States, all who are attending an educational institution are called “students” regardless of age.
Read more: Difference Between Pupil and Student | Difference Between http://www.differencebetween.net/language/words-language/difference-between-pupil-and-student/#ixzz5H53NhI1h

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