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【芸能】渡辺直美NY“移住” 米アーティストビザ取得!日本との往復生活へ

579 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2019/04/09(火) 16:56:16.31 ID:L2n/t1e00.net
>In super-skinny Japan, Naomi Watanabe is chubby and proud
>In the overwhelmingly male world of comedy,
>there’s a prevailing sentiment that women are to be seen and not heard, she said.
>“This is normal in Japanese society in general.
>This idea that you’re a woman so you shouldn’t work, just stay home,” Watanabe said.
>“That’s why women try to learn how to cook very well, so they can hear their loved ones say ‘Mmm, delicious’ and quit their job.
>I just don’t like it that there’s no other choice but that.”


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