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【バイキング】坂上忍 バッハ会長に強烈一言「ぼったくり男爵に裸の王様を合わせちゃった感じ?」 [爆笑ゴリラ★]

35 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2021/07/15(木) 17:26:48.73 ID:Sn1/tUqC0.net

This is an accusation about Keigo Oyamada, who is in charge of the music for the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics.

Keigo Oyamada has stated that he has committed the following acts against disabled people in the past.
Stripping disabled people naked
Wrapping disabled people with ropes
Forcing disabled people to eat excrement
Backdropping a handicapped person

Keigo Oyamada is not worthy of the Peace and Equality Festival.
Using his music for the opening ceremony is a trampling of human decency.

We should raise our voices against this horrible act of the Tokyo Olympics.

Especially athletes and people with disabilities should not allow Keigo Oyamada to tarnish the Tokyo Olympics.


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