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【東京五輪】開・閉会式ディレクターの元ラーメンズ小林賢太郎 「ユダヤ人大量惨殺ごっこ」「ホロコーストいじり」の過去 [jinjin★]

444 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2021/07/22(木) 00:20:00.26 ID:qct7/XMH0.net
In the middle of a conversation about devising a new project, the nodding Kobayashi makes the following suggestion: "Toda-san, you know, the producer. Toda-san said, "You know, the producer said, 'It's good to make something that's fun to make, but you should also make something that's fun to play and learn. I've been thinking about it, and I'm thinking of playing baseball. In the past, it would have been a bat made of rolled up newspaper. But this time, I'm going to write the word "bat" here. But this time, I'm going to write the word "bat" on it, whereas before it was just a ball of rolled up paper. Now I'm going to write the word "ball" here. And the crowd filled the stands. This could be a piece of paper cut into the shape of a person, and I would write the word "person" on it. In other words, how about making a baseball stadium made up of letters?

To this suggestion, Katagiri, who looked like Gonta-kun, said, "That's a good idea. Let's give it a try. I've got a lot of paper cut into the shape of people," he said, indicating the shapes of the people on his hands with his fingers.

Then, as if remembering the "paper cut into just this kind of human shape," Kobayashi mutters, "Oh, that time when we said we were going to play 'mass slaughter of Jews.

Needless to say, Kobayashi's line is a reference to the "countless deaths caused by the Holocaust in Nazi Germany," based on the "large amount of paper cut into human shapes. Of course, it was a joke, but the term "playing with the mass slaughter of Jews" coined to describe the "Holocaust" is extremely inappropriate. Internationally, it is a story that could generate a reaction of rejection equal to or greater than Oyamada's 'bullying confession problem.

How do you think Kobayashi and the organizing committee will respond to these comments

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