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カレーパン520円、胡瓜3本964円NYの物価高は想像を絶す。小室圭さんはいつまでも眞子さんに甘えるようでは"人間失格”ではないか [牛丼★]

347 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2022/07/06(水) 00:54:29.48 ID:upUdTzte0.net


"We all know that the life of an international lawyer in New York is very challenging and competitive, so I worry that he will not be up to that task, although I have heard from my contacts in the Japanese government that Tokyo will be using Komuro's law firm to ensure he is a success and can earn a living," Shimada said.

"But that is special treatment paid for by Japanese taxpayers, and that cannot be considered a good thing."

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