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【速報】 ハリソン・フォード重傷。飛行機が墜落

1 : ボ ラギノール(東京都)@\(^o^)/:2015/03/06(金) 09:14:37.05 ID:4PNgv3dP0.net ?PLT(19081) ポイント特典

A small plane piloted by Harrison Ford has crash-landed at an L.A. golf
course ... but we're told the actor has survived.

TMZ has learned ... Ford was piloting what appears to be a vintage 2-seater
fighter plane Thursday ... when something went wrong and he crashed into
Penmar golf course in Venice, CA.

We're told Ford suffered multiple gashes to his head and was bleeding.
Two doctors who happened to be at the golf course rushed over to treat the actor.
Emergency personnel arrived to the scene a short time later. Ford was
transported to a nearby hospital.

72-year-old Ford is a longtime aviator -- piloting planes and helicopters
-- and has crashed multiple times in the past.

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