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韓国政府「日本政府は、韓日関係改善の機会を何度作っても踏みにじる もう限界だ」 −遺産登録問題

404 : バックドロップ(東京都)@\(^o^)/:2015/07/07(火) 13:59:01.68 ID:KD2G8c9E0.net
This submission is contested by South Korean authorities,
who object on the grounds that the coal mining facilities on the island
employed forced Korean and Chinese labourers during World War II.
North Korea also criticized the World Heritage bid because of the forced labour issue.
During meetings of the UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee in 2015,
South Korea withdrew its opposition after reaching an agreement for Japan
to acknowledge this issue as part of the history of the island.


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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★