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英BBC「日本の国会前で、 数千人の人々 が安保法案に抗議した」

1 : ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(宮城県)@\(^o^)/:2015/08/30(日) 17:22:12.71 ID:lx4SJhnr0●.net ?PLT(13121) ポイント特典

Japan military legislation changes draw protests

Thousands of people have protested outside of Japan's parliament against new legislation that
would allow the military to deploy overseas.

The changes would allow Japanese troops to fight abroad for the first time since World War Two.

The legislation has already been passed by Japan's lower house and is expected to be endorsed by
the upper chamber.

Under its constitution, Japan is barred from using force to resolve conflicts except in cases of self-defence.

But a reinterpretation of the law will now allow "collective self-defence" - using force to defend
allies under attack.

The demonstrations are being led by students and other young people who say they wish to protect
Japan's pacifist constitution.

Police are lining the streets and telling protesters to move along in an attempt to minimise disruption in
the capital's centre.


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