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【動画】 大きな窓が落下、真下の歩行者間一髪で死を免れる

1 : トペ コンヒーロ(東京都)@\(^o^)/:2015/09/21(月) 18:53:08.30 ID:1d8Bt7eO0.net ?PLT(19081) ポイント特典

If this man would have been situated inches to the right he would likely not
have survived the impact of this windowpane hurtling from the sky in this
frightening accident.

Walking along the street in Saudi Arabia - this gentleman is more concerned
that he's got something stuck to his shoe - than what is about to literally befall him.

Wearing a white tawb and red-and-white keffiyeh he is oblivious when a giant
mirror comes speeding from above and narrowly misses his head.
The glass breaks into a million tiny pieces as it hurtles to the ground turns
to dust and knocks him over with its velocity.

The man's checkered keffiyeh and his black agal are knocked clean off his
head and mercifully it doesn't cut or harm him apparently disintegrating on impact.

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