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1 : 足4の字固め(東京都)@\(^o^)/:2016/02/22(月) 21:01:05.40 ID:YDEocBDZ0.net ?PLT(19081) ポイント特典

THIS is the shocking moment a woman appears to use a train station photo booth
as a TOILET.

Instead of posing for a photo, the woman seems to have her trousers down -
exposing her bare bottom over the edge of the seat.
While it is unclear exactly what she is up to, she appears to start ‘wiping’
with tissues and dropping them on the floor behind her - apprently using the
booth as a makeshift loo.

The footage was taken at Paris's Gare de Lyon Station and posted on LiveLeak
by 'plokiju'.

総レス数 40
10 KB

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