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1 : フォーク攻撃(東京都)@\(^o^)/:2016/10/06(木) 10:21:29.38 ID:HM9j0kdL0.net ?PLT(19081) ポイント特典

Pokemon GO fever may be receding in the U.S., but in Norway it’s still raging.
The country’s prime minister, Erna Solberg, was caught red-handed playing
the game in parliament.

PM Solberg had her phone out not during a break or boring filibuster, but
during an active debate while another minister was speaking. Looks like she
just caught something, too. That looks like maybe 200 XP she’s gotten, and
I don’t see no Pokestops.

In fact, the Guardian points out, the very minister who was at the podium,
Trine Skei Grande, was caught in August playing the game during a national
security meeting!


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