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567 : ラ ケブラーダ(茸)@\(^o^)/ [GB]:2016/10/13(木) 19:49:07.60 ID:RjZO1Lac0.net

The second Chino-Japanese War, ensuing from the Manchurian Incident,
killed 20-25 million Chinese civilians for piles of war crimes of Japanese army;
however surprisingly, this tragic and bloody war is to Japan Empire just
“a middle of steps” of his disgusting plan for conquering all the world.

Before the Manchurian Incident, Baron Tanaka, the prime minister at that time,
proposed this secret plan to Emperor Hirohito with saying “to get the world
we have to get China, and to get China we have to get Manchuria”. On the plan,
at first Japanese army would occupy Manchuria as a bridgehead to invade China,
and secondly invade China and gain Chinese manpower and natural resources
to conquer the world. The evil conspiracy shook not only China but all
over the world.

The plan was really started when the Manchurian Incident occurred. Japan next
attacked China according to the plan, but the strong resistance of Chinese people
forced Japanese army to modify the plan and they had to fight China and
the US at the same time. Tanaka’s world-conquering plan is implying that
Japan intended to attack America sooner or later, because it was inevitable
for Japan to become the ruler of the world.


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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★