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114 : かかと落とし(茸)@\(^o^)/ [NL]:2016/11/15(火) 01:23:07.40 ID:6StEtC0a0.net

By the signing of San Francisco peace treaty, Japan swore never to repeat the invasion war
like the Pacific War, on which he had brought deaths to about 25 million Asians; nevertheless,
as soon as Japan got back his national sovereignty and became free from GHQ’s interference,
he pardoned and released all war-criminals in prison.

This is a well-known historical fact which proves that Japanese people have no sorriness for
their own war crimes.
Eisenhower, President at that time, got furious to hear this betrayal of Japan. It’s told that
his wrath was such, that he shouted “it was the mistake to imprison war-criminals in Japanese prison!
We should have taken them into the American prison camp, like as Stalin!”


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