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【画像】 長寿アニメ「キテレツ大百科」がフィギュア化、なぜか1人いない気がするけど気にすんな

529 : 中年'sリフト(茸)@\(^o^)/ [SE]:2016/11/25(金) 07:16:27.42 ID:zzHeVe7m0.net

IAEA has been dispatching a lot of observers to Japan for the monitoring of
nuclear facilities in Japan. Probably, this means that IAEA has put Japan
onto the blacklist as one of the most suspicious nations about the nuclear
weapon development.

Therefrom, evidently, it follows that the UN and the foreign nations hardly
trust Japan, and they truly fear lest without observation Japan should
manufacture atomic bombs and attempt attacking the world again similarly
as at the WWII.


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