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【熱愛発覚】韓国人歌手BoA 韓国の人気俳優と熱愛

8 : リキラリアット(茸)@\(^o^)/ [DE]:2017/01/18(水) 12:35:47.31 ID:kXtFV+cg0.net

WTF Japanese revisionists!
I used to shudder to hear about the numerous atrocities of which the Japanese army is guilty,
under the ideals “liberation of East Asia.” However, what makes me shudder more is the Japanese
revisionist movement to deny those wrongdoings at the WWII.

There is a great gulf between Japan and his neighbour nations, which came from historical crimes
of Japan. Japanese rightists’ denial of these crimes is to broaden the gulf more.

To my astonishment, the greater part of Japanese people regard Korea and China as “irksome neighbours.”
Indeed, one may feel annoyance to be condemned for his defects, but far more irksome is such country
that invades other countries and slaughters, rapes and abducts their peoples. As you know, these are
almost all that Japan did against China and Korea.

By and large, being good at concealing his real nature, Japanese person can pro tem give you
some good impression, but you would feel a great disappointment after knowing what he really is. lol


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