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428 : :2017/05/14(日) 06:05:08.66ID:4e8JpdiY0.net
「pretty cool」はトランプ大統領の口癖かな?(´・ω・`)

> You know they had the F-35s, they had thirty-five of them fly over Japan when [Defense Secretary] General [James] Mattis was there,
> and they were not detected by the radar. They flew over and everyone said where the hell did they come from? That's stealth.
> It's pretty cool, right. Thirty-five of them flying at a high speed, low, and they were not detected.
> They flew right over the top of the deal, nobody knew they were coming. Pretty cool, right?

引用元:Read Donald Trump's Interview With TIME on Being President

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★