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【動画】 しばき隊「ぱよぱよちーんはレイシストのスローガン」

1 :名無しさん@涙目です。:NG NG ?PLT(13000).net

Song Premiere: The Waterboys, "Payo Payo Chin"

The Waterboys' last album, Modern Blues, was an exploration of the music
and sounds of the Deep South, but on the band's new double-album, Out of
All This Blue, band mastermind Mike Scott was inspired to take a different path.
Scott found himself moved by the creativity of hip-hop production
and began experimenting with loops and samples, which doesn't mean
that the new album finds him spitting bars, but that it's infused
with a certain propulsion and urgency. "Payo Payo Chin" carries a strong
poppy bounce, accented with Scott's easygoing lilt, and serves as the album's closer.

The Waterboys - Payo Payo Chin (Official Audio)

Mike Scott @MickPuck
I wrote this love song for fun in a hotel room in Tokyo and it turned into this!

C.R.A.C. @cracjp
The title is a slogan for JP racist trolls and ur racist wife
to humiliate an anti-racist activist. U R an ASSHOLE.

866 :名無しさん@涙目です。:2017/08/23(水) 23:30:29.86 ID:knozXVax0.net

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