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【朗報】 イスラム教「エビとカニは虫だから食うの禁止な」

1 :名無しさん@涙目です。:2018/01/12(金) 02:59:18.19 ID:gb4oSxyI0●.net ?2BP(4276)
Hyderabad seminary bars Muslims from eating prawns

According to the fatwa, prawn is an arthropod (to which insects also belong) and it does not fall under the category of fish. The chief mufti labelled prawn under the category
'makruh tahrim' (strictly abominable) and advised Muslims against eating it. In Islamic jurisprudence there are three categories of food ? lawful (halal), haram (prohibited) and makruh (abominable).

Foods falling under makruh are sub-divided into makruh (abominable but can be eaten) and makruh tahrim (strictly abominable and thus should be avoided).
Jamia Nizamia is a distinguished Islamic educational institution revered in several countries.


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