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【1000人突破】平昌五輪 猛威をふるうノロウィルスIOC職員まで感染 1000人以上が同様の症状を訴える

631 :名無しさん@涙目です。:2018/02/08(木) 01:05:16.94 ID:WuKJQ5Me0.net

Norovirus at Olympics has officials scrambling, worried

Signs posted around the Olympic venues urge extreme caution. Nine hundred troops stream into the area to help. Worried organizers sequester 1,200 people in their rooms.

According to Olympics organizers, the norovirus spread began Sunday when private security workers staying in the Jinbu area of Pyeongchang started complaining of headaches, stomach pain and diarrhea.

About 1,200 people were kept in their rooms during tests for the contagious virus.
Local and national health officials say they have investigated 1,023 people.
Games organizers said Wednesday that 32 workers are being treated for norovirus and are in quarantine, including three foreigners.

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