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「最強GPU」のTitanV、2+2=4.1などと計算してしまうと判明 科学計算で毎回違う値が出力される

1 :名無しさん@涙目です。:2018/03/25(日) 10:58:20.90 ID:SDbPqo+c0●.net ?PLT(13121)
2 + 2 = 4, er, 4.1, no, 4.3... Nvidia's Titan V GPUs spit out 'wrong answers' in scientific simulations

NvidiaのTitan V GPUは、科学的シミュレーションで「間違った答え」を吐き出しています(2 + 2 = 4、er、4.1、no、4.3 ...)

The Titan V is the Silicon Valley giant's most powerful GPU board available to date, and is built on Nv's
Volta technology. Gamers and casual users will not notice any errors or issues, however folks running
intensive scientific software may encounter occasional glitches.

Titan Vは現在までに入手可能なシリコンバレーの巨人の最も強力なGPUボードであり、NvのVoltaテクノロジーに

One engineer told The Register that when he tried to run identical simulations of an interaction between
a protein and enzyme on Nvidia’s Titan V cards, the results varied. After repeated tests on four of
the top-of-the-line GPUs, he found two gave numerical errors about 10 per cent of the time.
These tests should produce the same output values each time again and again. On previous generations of
Nvidia hardware, that generally was the case. On the Titan V, not so, we're told.

あるエンジニアはThe Registerに、NvidiaのTitan Vカードでタンパク質と酵素の相互作用をシミュレーションしたところ、

An industry veteran, who alerted us to the issue, reckoned this is due to a memory issue. Chip companies
normally push their high-end silicon to the limit to maximize performance. Nvidia may be overclocking or
red-lining its Titan V in some way, causing read errors from memory. These mistakes are carried forward
in calculations, resulting in numerical errors. Another cause could be a design blunder.

ハイエンドシリコンを限界まで押し上げてパフォーマンスを最大化します。 NvidiaはTitan Vを何らかの方法で


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