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「日本3大がっかり名所というのがあるそうだ 札幌の時計台、高知のはりやま橋、あとは?」

409 :名無しさん@涙目です。:2018/06/05(火) 11:56:39.57 ID:iT7QqzKC0.net

“Not worth the time”

The only reason to go here is to see a bit of green in an otherwise bleak, grey city. I think these were the only trees we saw at all. The castle itself is
underwhelming, smaller than in pictures. The 8th floor view looks out onto Osaka (a grey and ugly city scape).
The exhibits inside the museum are not nice at all and the English translations are not that useful.
Spend your time in Osaka eating, drinking, or shopping. Don't go to the Castle.

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