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290 :名無しさん@涙目です。:2019/01/06(日) 20:52:33.49 ID:fTzGlKxF0.net
Things that can be understood from movies released by Japan

Bad weather → lie
Rough wave → lie
Flight just above the ship → lie
It was an obstacle to relief activities → lie
It was a rescue activity → lie
We did not use radar → lie
We used a radar to find a fishing boat → lie
Radio was weak → lie
We thought that you were calling a marine police → lie
English pronunciation was bad → lie

As might be expected
 · With Visible distance
 · 121.5 MHz (VHF emergency frequency)
 · 156.8 MHz (international VHF)
 · 243.0 MHz (UHF emergency frequency)
 · Called at three frequencies
 · "Hull number 971" (in English)
I can hardly imagine not hearing these.

Or rather "a lie"

Hey, how are you going to do this, Mr. Korea?
The number of lies increases rapidly (LOL)

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