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週刊SPA!「ヤレる女子大ランキング」問題 世界中に報道される 日本社会の後進性が明らかに

1 :名無しさん@涙目です。:2019/01/09(水) 10:41:22.24 ID:ocsfTRwr0.net ?PLT(16000)
Japanese magazine apologises over university 'sex listing'

A Japanese men's magazine has had to issue an apology
after publishing a list ranking universities on
how easy it is to convince female students to have sex at drinking parties.

The list in the issue of the weekly magazine Spa! prompted outrage.

One woman launched a campaign calling for an apology and for the article to be removed.

It referred to the practice of gyaranomi - drinking parties where men pay women to attend.

The article in the 25 December issue said the parties were popular
among female college students and included an interview
with the developer of an app intended to help men and women find potential attendees.

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