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カリフォルニア州ビバリーヒルズの警官 年収6000万円 副署長は9500万円 [632443795]

1 ::2022/12/04(日) 08:37:58.82 ID:qdDPZ56/0●.net ?2BP(10000)
Beverly Hills Cop Was California’s Highest-Paid Municipal Worker
City’s assistant police chief took home $716,000 last year, state records show.

A Beverly Hills cop tops the list of the highest-paid California municipal employees, 100 of whom took home $439,000 or more in total wages last year.

The assistant police chief’s total compensation was $716,284 in 2021, $208,087 in regular income, with the rest for lump-sum and other pay, according to a report published by the state controller’s office.

Marc Coopwood retired last year as assistant police chief in Beverly Hills after 4 years and 7 months in the role, according to his LinkedIn profile. As part of his separation agreement, he was issued a final payment that included 12 months’ salary and benefits, as well as compensation for unused leave, the city said in a statement.


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