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Creepy Nuts’ “Bling-Bang-Bang-Born”、ビルボード全米3位の偉業 [422186189]

1 :hage:2024/03/19(火) 06:52:32.42 ID:yOLZiHE20.net ?PLT(12015)
This week's #Global200 top 10 (chart dated March 23, 2024)


Creepy Nuts’ “Bling-Bang-Bang-Born” rebounds 6-3 on Global Excl. U.S., after hitting No. 2. As on Global Excl. U.S., the song becomes the Japanese duo’s first top 10 on the Global 200 (13-8), with 53.9 million steams (up 72%) and 19,000 sold (up 48%) worldwide in the tracking week.


390 :名無しさん@涙目です。:2024/03/22(金) 02:44:07.76 ID:HU62JYw10.net

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