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【MLB】驚異の7000万人超え! 大谷翔平のド軍入団会見の総視聴者数に米識者たちも愕然「これはクレイジーすぎる」 [フォーエバー★]

121 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2023/12/15(金) 20:07:35.20 ID:b4HG8ISs0.net
#Article | Baseball is among the 30 priority sports according to the National Sports Agency! ⚾🇨🇿 Based on each association's success, size, popularity and social responsibility, the NSA has included baseball among the sports that will receive priority support in the coming year. ➡ Read more: isport.blesk.cz/clanek/ostatni…

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