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47 : クロスヒールホールド(やわらか銀行)@\(^o^)/ [CA]:2016/12/29(木) 20:35:47.12 ID:vZJlN/7L0.net
According to Dr.Rolling,who was one judge at the tokyo trial,s'book "Tokyo Trial and Beyond"

You remember that negotiations took place in Washington in November
1941. The actions of Japan promoted sharp reactions from the United States,
Great Britain, China and the Netherlands. From the Japanese point of view
the most important of these was the oil embargo. Japan was extremely anxious
that this embargo should be lifted. On 26 November Washington's position
became quite clear: Japanese evacuation from Inda-China and China
would be the price of economic concessions. But no government in Japan
would have been willing or able to pay that price. Hull's conditions simply
meant war and he knew it. "The matter is now in your hands," he said to
Stimson and Knox (the Secretaries of War and the Navy, respectively). The
American government were sure that war would come, but they were anxious
that it should be started by Japan. "We have to maneuver the Japanese into
the position of firing the first shot without allowing too much danger to ourselves",

48 : クロスヒールホールド(やわらか銀行)@\(^o^)/ [CA]:2016/12/29(木) 20:36:10.46 ID:vZJlN/7L0.net
I believe Hull said.
That was the climate of opinion prevailing in the first days of December
1941. The Japanese government's telegrams to their Ambassadors Nomura
and Suzuki were decoded by the Americans. They learned that at a given time
the decoding machinery in the Japanese Embassy would have to be destroyed.
a clear sign that war would then break out. The time stipulated might have given an indication that the war would start in Hawaii; the time there would be 7.30 a.m. But no special warning was given to the Hawaii commanders.
They were just instructed to be on the alert for sabotage. For this reason they
placed their ships and airplanes close together, so that they would be protected
against sabotage acts from inside by the Hawaiians (mostly of Japanese
descent). By doing so, they, of course, provided an excellent target for the
Japanese airplanes flying in from the outside. Moreover, on 27 November the
Hawaiian commanders had received a message from General Marshall, which
included the statement: "If hostilities .cannot, repeat can not avoided the
United States desires that Japan commit the first overt act."

The United States knew Japan's attack in detail
by decoding Japanese telegrams and others. T
he United States still screams "Remember ? Pearl Harbor."

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