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415 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 10:20:31.61 ID:8TIB9iEb.net
◎-◎一distinguish between the entry >>408

igrants generally receive more extensive vetti
ng than nonimmigrants, such vetti

陽子[ひよっち] 投稿日:2017/12/05(火) 06:01:09.08
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ry of nationals of 7 countries found to be  ゚∀゚)o彡゜ ◆NRN/cwith respect to the baseli
ne described in subsection (c) of this section: Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria
, Venezuela, and Yeme:::::::::::|  で  地  抜  美  前  ノ:::::::::::
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(ii) After reviewing the Secretary of Homeland Security's report of September 15, 20
17, and accounting for the foreign policy, national security, and counterterrorism objectives of the United States, I have determined to restrict and limit the ent
n. These restrictions of immigrants and nonimmigrants. Persons admitted on immigrant visas become lawful p
ermanent residents of the United States. Such persons may present national security or public-safety concerns that may be distinct from those admitted as noni
mmigrants. The United St汚  i::::::::::::
:::::::::::.ゝ ates affords lawful permanent residents more endu
ring rights than it does to nonimmigrants. Lawf
|( ̄`'  )/ / ,..    ( ε   (∴←(AR0PM
`ー---―' / '(__ )  ul permanent residents are more diff
icult to remove than nonim>>410
migrants even after national security concerns arise, which heightens the costs and dangers of errors associated with admitting such
individuals. And although immng is less reliable when the country from which s
omeone seeks to emigrate exhibits significant gaps in its identity-manage
ment or information-sharing policies, or presents risks to the national security of the
United States. For all but one of those 7 countries, therefore, I am restricting the entry of all immigrants.
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(iii) I am adopting a more tailored approach with respect to nonimmigrants, in accordance with the recommendations of the Secretary of Homeland Security. F
or some countries found to be "inadequate" with respect to the baseline describ
ed in subsection (c) of this section, I am restricting the entry of all nonim
migrants. For countries with certain mitigating factors, such as a willingness to c

ooperate or play a substantial role in combatting terrorism, I am restricting the
entry only of certain categories of nonimmigrants, which will mitigate the security th
reats presented by their entry int_人
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====( i)==::::/   o the United States. In those cases in which fut
ure cooperation seems reasonably likely, and accounting for foreign policy, national secu
rity, and counterterrorism objectives, I have tailored the restrictions to encourage such improvements.

(i) Section 2(e) of Executive Order 13780 also provi

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