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466 :Trader@Live!:2017/12/05(火) 10:30:55.01 ID:8TIB9iEb.net
名子[っち] 投稿日笠陽:2017/ひよ12/051:09.08
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|( ̄`'  )/ / ,..    ( ε   (∴゚∀゚)o彡゜ >>450(ii) The ent←( ry into the United States of nationals of Chad, as immigrants, and
as nonimmigrants on business (B-1), tourist (B-2), and business/tourist (B-1/B-2) visas, is hereby suspended.

(b) Iran. >>451

(i) Iran regularly fails前:日 to cooperate wi ' ● ' ニ 、 th the United States Government in identifying security risks, fails to satisfy at least one key risk criterion, is
the source of significant terrorist thr:::::::: 美  前  ノ:::::::::::
:::::::::::/  い  香 菊 eats, and fails to receive its nationals subject to final orders of removal from the United States. The Department
of State has also designated Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism.

(ii) The entry into the United States of .ゝ 抜 nationals of Iran as immigrants and as nonimmigrants is hereby suspended, except that entry by such
nationals under val 汚  i::::::::::::
:::::  |   た    id student (F and M) and exchange visitor (J) visas is not suspended, although such individuals should be subject to enhanced screening and vetting requirements.

(c) L 。||-i、  ..    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
/. ibya.>>452

(i) The government of Libya is an important and valuable counterterrorism partner of the United States, and the United States Governm
ent looks forward to expanding on that cooperation, including in the areas of immigration and border management. Libya, nonetheless, faces
significant challenges i。ヽn sharing several types of information, including public-safety and terrorism-related information necessary for the prot
ection of the national security and public safety oヽ:::i       /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;f the United States. Libya also has significant inadequacies in its identity-management protoco
ls. Further, Libya fails to satisfy at least one key risk criterion and has been assessed to be not fully cooperative with respect to receiving its nation
als subject to final orders of removal from the United States. The substantial terrorist presence within Libya's territory amplifies the risks posed by the entry into the United States of its nationals.

(ii) The entry into the United States of nationals of Libya, as immigrants, and as nonimmigrants on business (B-1), tourist (B-2), and
business/tourist (B-1/B-2) visas, is hereby suspende (____人
ニ __l_d.
(d) Nort>>454 Korea. ::_|/` 

(i) North Korea does not cooperate with the United States Government in any respect and fails to satisfy all information-sharing requirements.

(ii) The entry into the United States of nationals of North Korea as immigrants and nonimmigrants is hereby suspended.

(e) S>>456yria.

(i) Syria regularly fails to cooperate with the United States Government in identifying security risks, is the source of significant terrorist threats, and h
as been designated by the Department of State as a state sponsor of terrorism. Syria has significant inadequacies in identity-management proto
cols, fails to share public-safety and terrorism information, and fails to satisfy at least one key risk criterion.

(ii) The entry into the United States of nationals of Syria as immigrants and nonimmigrants is hereby suspended.

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