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919 :Trader@Live!:2019/05/25(土) 15:32:15.66 ID:OexsknmR0.net
シンゾウ・アベ イラン・アメリカ和平合意に仲介わああああああああああああああ


The Japanese prime minister will offer to act as a middle man for President Trump in the increasingly tense confrontation between the United States and Iran

Shinzo Abe ‘will act as middle man in Trump and Iran crisis’

The Japanese prime minister will offer to act as a middle man for President Trump in the increasingly tense confrontation between the United States and Iran.
According to Japanese media reports, Shinzo Abe will put the idea to Mr Trump during his three-day state visit to Japan which begins tomorrow.
The idea is for Mr Abe to travel to Iran next month, the first visit by a Japanese prime minister for more than 40 years. His aim would be to act as a go-between for two countries on which Japan is deeply dependent, for differing strategic reasons.
Reports of the initiative, based on unnamed government sources, were carried by all the main Japanese newspapers and television news channels today. They were not publicly confirmed by…

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★