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491 :Trader@Live!:2020/02/02(日) 11:52:32 ID:7bL6X4vA00202.net




速報 Sat 1 Feb 2020 22.05 GMT

Brexit day one: Johnson goes for broke with hardline trade deal
Prime minister pledges to make no concessions to EU as he salutes ‘a turning point in the life of our nation’

“This is a fantastic moment in the life of our country. There are very few moments that can be called a historic turning point – and this is it.
This is not the end, or the beginning of the end; it’s
the beginning of the beginning,” he told his cheering guests. “We took back control tonight, we did it.
This is a turning point in the life of our nation.”
As he hit the gong with glee, he was just flexing his muscles for more combat with the UK’s now ex-partners.
There now begins an 11-month transition period during which the prime minister
and his government will face the herculean task of securing a future trading and security relationship with the EU. If there is no deal by 31 December, the UK will face a cliff-edge descent into the economic unknown.

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