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アンジュルム勝田「ANGERME has never performed overseas so I really want to make it happen this year」

1 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2016/04/20(水) 23:32:05.20 0.net
? Do you have any plans to work in the fashion world?

Rina: I want to appear in many fashion magazines. For example, Suzuki Airi-san from ℃-ute is active as a model in fashion magazines
and being an idol at the same time. Because I have such a sempai, I really admire her.
Even if I’m not exclusive to any magazine, I have dreams of expanding the things I can do.
I’d love it if when people discuss “fashion” when it comes to Hello! Project, my name were to come up.
勝田: 私はファッション誌にいっぱい出たいなと思っていて。

? Finally, do you have any message for fans overseas?

Rina: There are so many fans from a lot of different countries coming to see ANGERME’s concerts.
I really appreciate it but at the same time I feel bad because it is always them coming to see us.
I asked overseas fans once, “Why did you come?” and they answered, “Because ANGERME doesn’t come!” (laugh)
But it’s true. ANGERME has never performed overseas so I really want to make it happen this year.

勝田: 日本でやってるアンジュルムのライブに、本当に色んな国の方が海外から観に来てくれるんですよ。

? Where do you want to go?

Rina: There were a lot of Thai fans, Taiwanese fans, Korean fans, and French fans,
so I want to go to each of those countries. We have to go because the fans told us,
“Because ANGERME doesn’t come!”. Please wait for us!
勝田: ファンの方にタイ、台湾、韓国、フランスの方が多いので、その国ひとつひとつに行きたいですね。
ファンのみなさんに「だってアンジュルム来てくれないから!」って言われちゃったから……本当に行かないと! 待ってて下さい!

2 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2016/04/20(水) 23:34:27.43 0.net

3 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2016/04/20(水) 23:37:04.50 0.net

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